Just created this for BIE Interim Executive

I just created this to give a different way of explaining interim management. Can you help me?  Please let me know what you think of this. _ [slideshare id=5096349&doc=bieinterimexecutive-100831075808-phpapp01]

How to Make Direct Marketing Work for Your Law Firm

How to Make Direct Marketing Work for Your Law Firm by Drayton Bird Published by Ark Group I have a minor contribution to this project and have an acknowledgement: “Crispin White for trying, but failing, to make the results more intellectually respectable”

Working remotely

Some thoughts on working remotely. Is there anyone out there? | The Sunday Times

Sunday Times article: Is there anyone out there?

Bosses of virtual teams need to make time to keep everyone in the loop to ensure that the creation of mutual trust is still a priority. Crispin White interviewed in this Sunday Times article. http://www.thesundaytimes.co.uk/sto/public/Appointments/article352266.ece

The golden age of jargon is over – or is it? “low hanging fruit” is still popular http://ping.fm/AJEfa

RT @yaniksilver: Must-read blog: http://ping.fm/3cfmY – I’ll be interviewing Andy next Tue on the power of surprise!…

RT @Jackie_Stone: 13 Strategies to Jumpstart Your Productivity http://bit.ly/cvVAKh

Customer Relationship Magic or CRM – a great article about commonsense actions create customer magic, &with it loyalty http://ow.ly/1DFWg

You find this is a useful article on how to use incentives and make more $sales$ http://ow.ly/1D4Hd

7 killer facts to stay in business. You will find these all common sense ways to make or save $ http://ow.ly/1D2p9